This site is a place for us to kick ideas around about the cross disciplinary endeavour that most call ‘law and geography’ but which also goes by the name ‘legal geography’ and more occasionally ‘geographies of law’.
We are interested in building here - in a collaborative, open and exploratory way – a conversation that leads to the gathering of views and resources around the theme of:
- What is law and geography?
- What else could it come to be and/or address?
- What are the key, and also the lesser known, texts and other media?
- What evidence of encounters with the intersection of law and geography can we share?
It is a modest work in progress. It has been set up as an aid to collaboration by:
Luke Bennett – Sheffield Hallam University, UK –||ttenneb.e.l
Antonia Layard – University of Birmingham, UK –||drayal.a
Wendy Jepson – University of Texas, USA – ude.umat.soeg|nospejw#ude.umat.soeg|nospejw
The site is administered by Luke Bennett.